A woman wearing a blue jacket and a blue shirt is smiling for the camera.


Delia Ramirez

Board Member | IL-03

Delia’s fiery passion for fighting for civil rights advocacy is near and dear to her heart, she understands the struggles of coming from a working-class and immigrant family. Delia is an accomplished legislator and community leader who will champion for Illinoisan families as the first elected Latina to Congress from a Midwestern state.



As the daughter of working-class Guatemalan immigrants, Delia knows first-hand the importance of social service. She witnessed the need and support that these services provided to her neighbors in the form of housing assistance, food, and services for the undocumented. During her time as a nonprofit leader for the Center for Changing Lives, Common Cause and Community Renewal Society, and board chair for both the Latin United Community Housing Association (LUCHA), Delia fought for affordable housing, quality education, and campaign finance reform. After being elected as a State Representative, Delia successfully passed legislation expanding medicaid coverage to senior citizens regardless of immigration status and secured over 450 million to build affordable housing. In the state legislature, she co-founded the Illinois House Progressive Caucus and served as Assistant Majority Leader. 

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