Gabe Vasquez

A man in a blue shirt and tie is smiling for the camera.


Gabe Vasquez


Gabe is a first-generation American who grew up in the borderlands and saw his mother work hard every day to support his family. As the first in his family to be born in the United States, he’s made the most of his opportunity and has worked hard to make a positive difference in his community and in the lives of others.



Gabe is fulfilling his promise to be a champion for working families and to build an economy that benefits everyone. Gabe believes that the work doesn’t stop until all New Mexicans have meaningful opportunities to raise happy, healthy families and pass on their traditions to future generations. Gabe has given his unwavering support for passing legislation that creates high-quality, good-paying jobs, helping New Mexico families deal with the rising cost of living, and conserving public lands and natural resources to capitalize on the district’s growing outdoor recreation economy. Gabe saw firsthand the important cross-border connections and relationships that support families and businesses in New Mexico. It is his meaningful connection to his district that inspires Gabe to speak out for those across the nation who are otherwise often left out of the conversation. 

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