Maxwell is part of a new generation of civil rights activists who are fighting on
the frontlines for justice. He's experienced police abuse firsthand, seen his
community ravaged by gun violence, and understands the way that working
people and people of color are unjustly marginalized and left behind by our society - and that's who he's running for.
In 2018, he helped lead the ACLU of Florida’s fight to win Amendment 4, which restored voting rights to over 1.6 million Floridians who had previous felony convictions. As a National Organizer with the ACLU in 2020, he worked to win Biden’s support for abolishing the Hyde Amendment, legislation that has limited abortion access for millions of people. As Organizing Director at March for Our Lives, one of the largest youth-led political movements in the country, he led an ambitious turnout program that drove record amounts of young people to the polls, helping to hold the House, and win a Democratic Senate, and Presidency. Once the President was elected, Maxwell worked in coalition with national progressive groups to secure an unprecedented five billion dollars in funding for community-basedviolence prevention programs in the administration’s budget proposal.
If elected, Maxwell would be the 1st Gen-Z and 4th Afro-Latino member of Congress.
Washington, DC 20003
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Last Updated September 2024