A woman wearing a blue cardigan and a dragonfly necklace smiles for the camera.


Teresa Leger Fernandez


Teresa is experienced and passionate and continues to expand opportunities for all New Mexico working families. She has deep roots in rural New Mexico, where her mother was a bilingual education pioneer and her father was a former state senator and educator.



Teresa’s passion for helping others began as an advocate who became and attorney and now congresswoman. Once fighting important legal battles, Teresa has represented tribes, minority-owned businesses, and community organizations on issues including civil rights, affordable housing, and community development. She has served as counsel to several Native American tribes and their business enterprises, promoting economic development as well as defending sovereignty, voting rights, and sacred sites. Teresa currently serves on the House Natural Resources, House Education and Labor, and House Administration Committees.  She was also elected by her colleagues to serve as Chair of the Committee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States working on a range of issues for Native communities, including economic development, health, cultural preservation, and education. As a member of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development, she is committed to making the paths to higher education and workforce development equitably available. Regardless of a student choosing to go to college, university, or vocational school, Teressa believes quality education must be accessible and affordable to all.

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