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CHC BOLD PAC Launches Latinas Lead Program with Investment Supporting Ruben Gallego for Senate

September 03, 2024
Contact: Karla Rodriguez

 CHC BOLD PAC Launches Latinas Lead Program with Investment Supporting Ruben Gallego for Senate

Launched with a $900,000+ Investment in the Latino community in Arizona, the Latinas Lead Program Aims to Engage and Mobilize Latina Voters as a Critical Component of Democratic Wins Nationwide in the November Elections

Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, is launching the Latinas Lead program with a $900,000 investment in ads supporting Ruben Gallego’s Senate campaign in Arizona. The effort is designed to mobilize and engage Latina women to vote for Democrats across the country in November. In doing so, the Latinas Lead effort aims to both boost turnout among Latina women and harness their strength to persuade and mobilize those around them, including Latino men, to vote for Democrats. 

The Latinas Lead program is being launched with a $900,000 ad buy supporting Ruben Gallego in the Arizona Senate race. The ads are targeted directly to Latinas, highlighting their crucial role as those who “power Arizona”. The ad, “Las Jefas" or “Bosses”, will appear in both Spanish and Spanglish. It will be featured on Spanish Broadcast statewide, and on digital platforms and streaming services. This buy is laser-focused on reaching Latinas in the Arizona where they are, and include ads on Univision, Telemundo, and Youtube, including airing during popular reality shows and novelas like La Isla: El Reality, El Conde: Amor y Honor, and Tierra de Esperanza. The ads have been crafted and purchased by battle-tested Latina operatives.

“We are proud to launch the Latinas Lead program to ensure Latina women in Arizona know that Ruben Gallego is fighting for them and their families,” said CHC BOLD PAC Board Member Rep. Norma Torres. "Raised by a single working-class mother who fought hard so her kids could get ahead, Ruben knows how much women are the backbone of our families, our communities, and our economy. He knows the challenges working families face because he’s lived them. That’s why when he’s elected as the state's first Latino Senator, he will continue fighting for all Arizonans.” 

“Whether it’s in the home or in the community, Latinas are the organizers,”
said CHC BOLD PAC Executive Director Victoria McGroary. “Latina women are a crucial pillar in the Democratic base. The new Latinas Lead program is an innovative effort focused on Latinas specifically as a unique entrypoint to persuade and mobilize the broader Latino community. Similar efforts should be a top priority for Democratic campaigns because anyone who knows our community will tell you - if you want to get the job done, just ask mamá, abuela, or tía to do it.”


“Bosses” Ad Script in Spanglish

Raised by a single, hard working woman,
Ruben Gallego knows who powers Arizona: 
Abuelas. Madres. Hermanas.
Las Jefas.
And in the Senate he’ll fight for them.
Making housing, groceries and prescription drugs more affordable - like thirty five dollar insulin.
Protegiendo el Social Security
And Ruben will always stand up to MAGA extremists to defend reproductive freedom for Arizona women.
Ruben Gallego.
Para las Jefas.
For us. 

The launch of the Latinas Lead program is based on a simple premise: as a core part of the Democratic base and a central node of organizing within their families, communities, and the economy as a whole, engaging with Latina women in a way that speaks directly to them is a powerful way to both boost turnout for Democrats nationwide and to harness their power to persuade those around them to do the same. The Latinas Lead program aims to recognize the powerful role Latinas play in society and to communicate effectively with them about how Democrats are fighting for them and their families.

Latinas Lead: Why Mobilizing and Engaging Latina Women is an effective strategy that will help Democrats win in November

  • Latino voters are a key part of the Democratic coalition, voting for Democrats 2 to 1 over Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections. Ensuring we are engaging with the community is integral to more Democratic victories in November.
  • Latinas in particular are central to the Democratic base, with 68% of Latina women voting for Democrats in 2022 compared to 58% of Latino men. 
  • Recent polling shows that this gender gap will continue this election, with Latina support for Kamala Harris 20 points or more higher among Latina women than Latina men. Speaking directly to them and ensuring that mobilizing efforts are designed with them in mind will help boost turnout among a key portion of the Democratic base.
  • Latina women contribute substantially to their families, communities, and the U.S. economy. An August 2024 study shows that Latinas contributed over $1.3 trillion to the U.S. economy in 2021, outpacing other gender and ethnic groups in workforce participation, educational attainment, and income growth. 
  • Efforts to engage and mobilize Latinas to vote for Democrats will recognize their valuable contributions and harness their strength to help persuade and mobilize their families and communities, including Latino men, to vote for Democrats.



BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by getting more Latinos and Latinas elected. In 2022, BOLD PAC elected the largest Democratic CHC in history, bringing nine new Latinos to the House, including four in seats that were picked up by House Democrats. This was the result of over $6 Million in direct investments for Latino candidates, the largest sum in the organization’s history. Additionally, BOLD PAC played an integral role in protecting the Democratic majority in the Senate by helping re-elect Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, the first and only Latina in the Senate.



CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.


3 de septiembre de 2024

Contacto: Karla Rodriguez

CHC BOLD PAC lanza el programa "Latinas Lead" con inversión apoyando a Ruben Gallego para el Senado

Con una inversión de más de $900,000 en la comunidad latina en Arizona, el programa "Latinas Lead" tiene como objetivo involucrar y movilizar a las votantes latinas como un componente crucial para las victorias demócratas en las elecciones de noviembre.

Washington, D.C. - Hoy, CHC BOLD PAC, el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano del Congreso, está lanzando el programa "Latinas Lead" con una inversión de $900,000 en anuncios que apoyan la campaña de Ruben Gallego para el Senado en Arizona. El esfuerzo está diseñado para movilizar e involucrar a las mujeres latinas para que voten por los demócratas en todo el país en noviembre. Al hacer esto, el esfuerzo "Latinas Lead" tiene como objetivo aumentar la participación de las mujeres latinas y aprovechar su fuerza para persuadir y movilizar a quienes las rodean, incluidos los hombres latinos, para que voten por los demócratas.

El programa "Latinas Lead" se lanza con una compra de anuncios de $900,000 apoyando a Ruben Gallego en la carrera por el Senado en Arizona. Los anuncios están dirigidos directamente a las latinas, destacando su papel crucial como las que “impulsan a Arizona”. El anuncio, llamado "Las Jefas" o "Bosses", aparecerá tanto en español como en spanglish. Se transmitirá en televisión en español en todo el estado, y en plataformas digitales y servicios de streaming. Esta compra está enfocada en llegar a las latinas en Arizona donde estén, e incluye anuncios en Univisión, Telemundo y YouTube, incluso durante programas de realidad y novelas populares como "La Isla: El Reality", "El Conde: Amor y Honor", y "Tierra de Esperanza". Los anuncios han sido creados y comprados por operativas latinas con experiencia y son parte de una inversión más grande de $1.1 millones que apoya la campaña de Gallego. Esta inversión en la carrera por el Senado de Arizona es la más grande en los 23 años de historia del CHC BOLD PAC.

"Estamos orgullosos de lanzar el programa ‘Latinas Lead’ para asegurar que las mujeres latinas en Arizona sepan que Ruben Gallego está luchando por ellas y sus familias,” dijo la miembro de la junta de CHC BOLD PAC, la Representante Norma Torres. "Criado por una madre soltera y trabajadora que luchó para que sus hijos salieran adelante, Ruben reconoce que las mujeres son el pilar de nuestras familias, nuestras comunidades y nuestra economía. Él conoce los desafíos que enfrentan las familias trabajadoras porque él los ha vivido. Por eso, cuando sea elegido como el primer senador latino del estado, seguirá luchando por todos los habitantes de Arizona."

"Ya sea en el hogar o en la comunidad, las latinas son las organizadoras,” dijo la Directora Ejecutiva de CHC BOLD PAC, Victoria McGroary. “Las mujeres latinas son un pilar crucial en la base demócrata. El nuevo programa ‘Latinas Lead’ es un esfuerzo innovador enfocado en las latinas específicamente como un punto de entrada único para persuadir y movilizar a la comunidad latina en general. Esfuerzos similares deberían ser una prioridad principal para las campañas demócratas porque cualquiera que conozca nuestra comunidad te dirá - si quieres que el trabajo se haga, solo pide a mamá, abuela o tía que lo haga.”


Guión del anuncio "Las Jefas" en español

Criado por una madre soltera trabajadora
Rubén Gallego sabe quienes mandan en Arizona:
Las Jefas.
Y en el Senado luchará por ellas.
Tal como la insulina a treinta y cinco dólares.
Protegiendo el Seguro Social, para que los beneficios estén seguros;
Y creando atención médica a bajo costo.
Rubén Gallego.
Para las Jefas.
Para nosotros.

El lanzamiento del programa "Latinas Lead" se basa en una premisa simple: como una parte central de la base demócrata y un nodo clave de organización dentro de sus familias, comunidades y la economía en general, interactuar con las mujeres latinas de una manera que les hable directamente es una forma poderosa de aumentar la participación de los votantes demócratas en todo el país y aprovechar su poder para persuadir a quienes las rodean a hacer lo mismo. El programa "Latinas Lead" tiene como objetivo reconocer el papel poderoso que las latinas juegan en la sociedad y comunicarse eficazmente con ellas sobre cómo los demócratas están luchando por ellas y sus familias.

Latinas Lead: Por qué movilizar e involucrar a las mujeres latinas es una estrategia efectiva que ayudará a los demócratas a ganar en noviembre

  • Los votantes latinos son una parte clave de la coalición demócrata, votando por los demócratas en una proporción de 2 a 1 sobre los republicanos en las elecciones de medio término de 2022. Asegurarnos de que estamos interactuando con la comunidad es fundamental para más victorias demócratas en noviembre.
  • Las latinas en particular son centrales en la base demócrata, con un 68% de mujeres latinas votando por los demócratas en 2022 en comparación con el 58% de los hombres latinos.
  • Recientes encuestas muestran que esta brecha de género continuará en esta elección, con un apoyo de las latinas a Kamala Harris 20 puntos o más mayor entre las mujeres latinas que entre los hombres latinos. Hablar directamente con ellas y asegurarse de que los esfuerzos de movilización estén diseñados pensando en ellas ayudará a aumentar la participación de un segmento clave de la base demócrata.
  • Las mujeres latinas contribuyen sustancialmente a sus familias, comunidades y a la economía de EE. UU. Un estudio de agosto de 2024 muestra que las latinas contribuyeron con más de $1.3 billones a la economía de EE. UU. en 2021, superando a otros grupos de género y étnicos en participación en la fuerza laboral, logros educativos y crecimiento de ingresos.
  • Los esfuerzos para involucrar y movilizar a las latinas para votar por los demócratas reconocerán sus valiosas contribuciones y aprovecharán su fuerza para ayudar a persuadir y movilizar a sus familias y comunidades, incluidos los hombres latinos, a votar por los demócratas.


BOLD PAC es el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano del Congreso (CHC) y está dedicado a aumentar la diversidad en la Cámara y el Senado al lograr que más latinos y latinas sean elegidos. En 2022, BOLD PAC eligió al Caucus Hispano Demócrata más grande de la historia, llevando a nueve nuevos latinos a la Cámara, incluidos cuatro en escaños que fueron ganados por los demócratas. Esto fue el resultado de más de $6 millones en inversiones directas para candidatos latinos, la mayor suma en la historia de la organización. Además, BOLD PAC jugó un papel integral en la protección de la mayoría demócrata en el Senado al ayudar a reelegir a la Senadora Catherine Cortez Masto, la primera y única latina en el Senado.


CHC BOLD PAC, el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano del Congreso, fue fundado en 2001 para aumentar la representación latina en el Congreso. Desde su fundación, BOLD PAC ha más que duplicado el tamaño del Caucus Hispano del Congreso.

By Bold . 15 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 15, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month Washington D.C. - Today CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez released the following statement in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month: “During Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate the generations of Latinas and Latinos who have enriched our communities and strengthened our democracy. The strength of our nation lies in its diversity. The Latino community makes invaluable contributions to our country, serving in the military, as first responders, and running small businesses," said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez. "As we celebrate our community this month, we are also laser-focused on all the ways that Republicans are attacking us, pushing for cuts to Social Security and Medicare, attacking women’s reproductive rights, and raising taxes on hardworking Latinos. With over 36 million Latinos eligible to vote, we have the power to elect leaders who truly represent our values and fight for the American Dream for Latino families. “CHC BOLD PAC is committed to electing more Latinos to Congress, fighting Republican voter suppression, and countering misinformation aimed at our community. With initiatives like ' Our Lucha War Room ' to combat disinformation and our ' Latinas Lead ' program to empower Latina voters, we’re fighting for our community by working to elect Democrats who will defend our values and protect our families.” ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has almost doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . 13 Sep, 2024
 What They’re Saying: CHC BOLD PAC’s Latinas Lead Program Delivers a Major Investment to Boost Ruben Gallego’s Senate Campaign CHC BOLD PAC has invested over $1.1 million in ads supporting Ruben Gallego’s Senate campaign in Arizona—the biggest investment in the organization’s 23-year history In Case You Missed It: CHC BOLD PAC recently launched Latinas Lead to mobilize Latina voters in support of Democratic candidates, harnessing the power of Latina women to drive voter turnout and secure Democratic victories nationwide. CHC BOLD PAC’s Latinas Lead Program is driving a historic effort to engage and mobilize Latina voters in Arizona, investing in ads such as “Las Jefas " or "Bosses." The ad campaign is airing in both Spanish and Spanglish on platforms like Univision and YouTube. Here’s what observers are saying:
By Bold . 13 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 11, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez TRUMP’S PROJECT 2025: A DANGEROUS THREAT TO THE LATINO COMMUNITY Project 2025 is an Extremist Agenda That Puts Latino Families and Our Values at Risk Washington, D.C. - Trump's hypocrisy toward Latino families knows no bounds. As Election Day nears, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Trump’s Project 2025 isn’t just policy—it’s a dangerous extremist conservative blueprint spearheaded by senior Trump officials and conservative groups that aim to dismantle our economic security, strip away reproductive rights, and gut Social Security. Everyone Knows Why Trump is Lying Now Latino communities are recognizing the truth about Trump’s dangerous agenda: Project 2025 is nothing but a threat to their livelihoods, their families, and their future. Trump is scrambling to win over voters with empty promises, including Latino voters, hoping they’ll ignore his long record of lies and betrayals. “Donald Trump’s campaign is built on deceit, and Project 2025 is the latest in a long line of dangerous policies designed to hurt Latino communities,” said Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “While Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge the facts, BOLD will stand against his lies and fight for the future we deserve – one where our economic security, reproductive rights, and Social Security are protected, not threatened.” The facts speak for themselves. Trump’s Project 2025 will: 1. Bring Economic Devastation: Under Project 2025 , Trump is championing policies that would tank our economy, putting Latino families at risk. His tax cuts for the wealthy would come at the expense of hardworking Latinos, increasing income inequality and pushing many into poverty. ❌ LIE: Donald Trump’s platform claims he will cut taxes for workers and eliminate taxes on tips. ✅ TRUTH: Trump and his advisers have discussed deeper cuts to both individual and corporate tax rates that would build on his failed 2017 tax handout to the wealthy. Their goal is clear: to cut corporate taxes even more, which would primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans.
By Bold . 06 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 19, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Raises Over $13.6 Million Through Grassroots Efforts to Strengthen Latino Representation in Congress This impressive fundraising Empowers CHC BOLD PAC to Continue Efforts to Strengthen Latino Representation in Congress Washington, D.C. - CHC BOLD PAC, the political arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, announced today that it has raised an impressive $13.6 million this cycle, surpassing the $13.4 million fundraising total from the 2022 midterm cycle. Over the past six months, BOLD PAC has received 219,684 contributions averaging just $14.97 each, underscoring the strength of grassroots engagement. These funds will support Latino candidates and allies in key battleground states, from California and New Mexico to Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Nebraska, ensuring our communities' voices are heard loud and clear in the upcoming elections. ''We are incredibly grateful to our grassroots supporters for their unwavering commitment to our mission," said Victoria McGroary, CHC BOLD PAC Executive Director . “Rallying grassroots support is instrumental in our efforts to elect Latino leaders who will fight for our values in Congress. This is not just about numbers; it's about ensuring that our community has a strong voice in the decisions that affect our lives. BOLD PAC will continue investing in targeted outreach and strategic campaigns to increase diversity in Congress, reclaim the Democratic majority in the House, and defend the Democratic majority in the Senate." ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has almost doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . 15 Aug, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 15, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez BOLD PAC Launches “Blue Victory Fund” to Reclaim and Defend Democratic Majorities in the House and Senate Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, announced the launch of an affiliated committee, “Blue Victory Fund”. It is dedicated to bolstering efforts to reclaim the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and defend the Democratic majority in the Senate. With stakes higher than ever, Blue Victory Fund aims to ensure that BOLD PAC has the resources needed to secure and expand Democratic majorities in both chambers. The committee is registered with the FEC. "This new effort will help BOLD PAC continue to be a pivotal force in the upcoming elections by rallying grassroots support and mobilizing voters to vote for Democrats in House and Senate races across the country,” said Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “Latinos, representing a growing and influential voting bloc, will play a critical role in November. For two decades, BOLD PAC has been a leader in mobilizing Latinos to vote blue and has been integral to bolstering Democratic efforts to win the House and Senate as a result. We are excited to launch Blue Victory Fund to help us double down on these efforts this cycle and beyond.” ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has almost doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . 22 Jul, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 21, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Proudly Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris for President As the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, BOLD PAC is committed to electing Vice President Harris and preventing a second Trump Presidency Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez released the following statement on President Biden’s decision not to run for re-election and Vice President Harris’ candidacy for president: “I want to thank President Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as president of the United States and for his decades of service to our country,” said Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . "Throughout his term, we've seen historic accomplishments from rebuilding our economy and infrastructure, leading our nation’s comeback from a global pandemic, and lifting up millions of Americans, especially Latino working-class families. President Biden's tenure will be remembered for his accomplishments that stand among the best in history. “As we look ahead, we know that these accomplishments would not have been possible without Vice President Kamala Harris and CHC BOLD PAC is proud to endorse her for president. This administration has led with working families in mind and shown an unwavering commitment to Latinos. There is so much work left to do and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Make no mistake, Latinos nationwide will bear the brunt of the consequences of a Trump second presidency, just like they did in the past. BOLD PAC will remain laser focused on doing what it takes to ensure that Trump remains a one-term president. Vice President Harris is the leader we stand behind at this critical moment. “BOLD PAC will continue to focus on ensuring that the Latino community understands the stakes in this election – our rights, our freedoms, and our very democracy are on the line. BOLD PAC is investing in targeted outreach so that Latino voters mobilize for Democrats up and down the ballot this cycle and power Vice President Kamala Harris to victory. We look forward to mobilizing our community to support her and to build on the accomplishments of the past four years. Pa’lante!” ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . 19 Jul, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 19, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Proudly Endorses President Joe Biden for Re-Election As the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, BOLD PAC is committed to re-electing President Biden and preventing a second Trump Presidency Washington, D.C. - Today, BOLD PAC, the political arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, announced its endorsement of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. “President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have delivered for the Latino community and CHC BOLD PAC is proud to endorse them for re-election. From historic investments in our infrastructure system to expanding access to affordable health care, they have championed policies that lifted up our families and communities,” said BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez. “This administration has led with working families in mind and shown an unwavering commitment to Latinos. There is so much work left to do and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Another Trump presidency would be disastrous to the Latino community across the country. Make no mistake, Latinos nationwide will bear the brunt of the consequences of a second Trump presidency and BOLD PAC will remain laser focused on doing what it takes to ensure that he remains a one-term president. “It is clear that Latino voters will decide the margin of victory in competitive races up and down the ballot this cycle, from California and New Mexico to Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Nebraska. BOLD PAC’s mission centers on electing Latinos to Congress and mobilizing the Latino community across the country to win in battleground states and districts. We will continue to focus on ensuring that the Latino community understands the stakes in this election – our rights, our freedoms, and our very democracy are on the line. BOLD PAC is investing in targeted outreach and strategic campaigns so that Latino voters mobilize for Democrats up and down the ballot this cycle and power President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to victory. We look forward to mobilizing our community to support their re-election and to build on the accomplishments of the past four years. Pa’lante!” ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 19 de julio de 2024 Contacto: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Apoya con Orgullo la Reelección del Presidente Joe Biden Como el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano del Congreso, BOLD PAC está comprometido con la reelección del Presidente Biden y evitar una segunda presidencia de Trump. Washington, D.C. - Hoy, BOLD PAC, el brazo político del Caucus Hispano del Congreso, anunció su apoyo al Presidente Joe Biden y a la Vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. “El Presidente Biden y la Vicepresidenta Kamala Harris han cumplido con la comunidad latina y BOLD PAC del CHC está orgulloso de apoyarlos para la reelección. Desde inversiones históricas en nuestro sistema de infraestructura hasta la ampliación del acceso a atención médica asequible, han promovido políticas que han mejorado nuestras familias y comunidades,” dijo la Presidenta de BOLD PAC, Linda Sánchez . “Esta administración ha liderado pensando en las familias trabajadoras y ha mostrado un compromiso inquebrantable con los latinos. Queda mucho trabajo por hacer y los riesgos no podrían ser más altos. Otra presidencia de Trump sería desastrosa para la comunidad latina en todo el país. No se equivoquen, los latinos en todo el país sufrirán las consecuencias de una segunda presidencia de Trump y BOLD PAC se mantendrá enfocado en hacer lo necesario para asegurar que siga siendo un presidente de un solo mandato. “Es claro que los votantes latinos decidirán el margen de victoria en carreras competitivas a lo largo de este ciclo, desde California y Nuevo México hasta Arizona, Pensilvania, Nevada y Nebraska. La misión de BOLD PAC se centra en elegir latinos al Congreso y movilizar a la comunidad latina en todo el país para ganar en estados y distritos clave. Continuaremos enfocándonos en asegurar que la comunidad latina comprenda los riesgos en esta elección: nuestros derechos, nuestras libertades y nuestra propia democracia están en juego. BOLD PAC está invirtiendo en campañas estratégicas y de alcance específico para que los votantes latinos se movilicen a favor de los demócratas en todo el país y den la victoria al Presidente Joe Biden y a la Vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. Esperamos movilizar a nuestra comunidad para apoyar su reelección y construir sobre los logros de los últimos cuatro años. ¡Pa’lante!” ### CHC BOLD PAC, el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano, fue fundado en 2001 para aumentar la representación latina en el Congreso. Desde su fundación, BOLD PAC ha más que duplicado el tamaño del Caucus Hispano del Congreso.
By Bold . 17 Jul, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 17, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez Condemns Outside Interest Group Involvement in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District Primary After Outside Interest Group Throws over $1 Million Against Raquel Terán, CHC BOLD PAC Doubles Down on Commitment to Electing the Only Latina in this Majority Latino District’s Race Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez released the following statement regarding an outside interest group spending over $1 Million against Raquel Terán in Arizona’s 3rd congressional district, a Latino majority district that over half a million Latinos call home. “This is a blatant effort by an outside group to silence the voices of over half a million Latinos in a majority-Latino district in order to buy a seat in Congress. Raquel Terán has dedicated her career to championing the rights of Latinos across the state. Instead of supporting an exceptionally qualified Latina and the only one in the race, this group has decided to work against the Latino community by pouring in over $1 Million against her. This undermines the ability of Latinos to choose their own representative, and it undermines the progress BOLD PAC has spent decades fighting for,” said Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “It’s particularly appalling that in an attempt to deny the Latino community fair representation in Congress, this outside group has chosen to communicate in Spanish on a non-Latino candidate’s behalf. They are trying to convince voters that Yassamin Ansari understands the challenges working Latinos face, when the truth is she can't speak to their experiences. The only candidate who can do that is Raquel Terán.” “Democrats must take Latino voters seriously in this election, especially in Arizona. So a massive effort to silence Latino voices in this crucial swing state begs the question: whose bidding is this outside group really doing? Instead, Democrats should be doubling down on their investments in Latina and Latino candidates like Raquel, who will energize Latino voters in November. Arizona has never had a Latina representative in Congress, giving the 3rd district – which is 65 percent Hispanic – an opportunity to make history this year. “BOLD PAC has a proud history of taking on the big fights, especially against outside groups determined to undermine Latino representation. We stand with over 40 elected Democrats, progressive organizations, and community leaders that have endorsed Raquel, including Senator Mark Kelly, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Unidos US, and the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund (LCV) as we recommit to doing everything we can to get Raquel to Congress. She is an extraordinarily qualified Latina who – like us – never backs down from a fight.” ABOUT RAQUEL TERÁN Raquel Terán was born in Douglas, Arizona, and raised in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico on the actual street that divides the United States from Mexico. She is a proud daughter of Mexican immigrants, a community organizer, and an advocate for Arizona’s working families. She has spent the majority of her career fighting against anti-immigrant Republican policies. In 2011, Raquel helped build a powerful coalition of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Latinos, union members, educators, and youth activists to oust a sitting legislator – Senator Russell Pearce – author of the notorious SB 1070 “show me your papers law.” In 2016, she led the same coalition to reject Joe Arpaio. In 2018, she was elected to the Arizona Legislature. As a state legislator, she helped protect the state's minimum wage, expand access to healthcare, and protect women’s right to choose. In 2022, Raquel brought her coalition together once again to reject GOP extremists like Kari Lake and help elect a Democratic Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General for the first time in decades. Raquel Terán has dedicated her career to fight for justice and equality, and she will continue that fight in Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 17 de julio de 2024 Contacto: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC, Presidenta Linda Sánchez Condena la Involucración de Grupos de Interés Externos en las Primarias del 3er Distrito del Congreso de Arizona Después de que un Grupo de Interés Externo Gasta más de $1 Millón Contra Raquel Terán, CHC BOLD PAC Redobla su Compromiso de Elegir a la Única Latina en la Elección de este Distrito de Mayoría Latina Washington, D.C. - Hoy, la presidenta de CHC BOLD PAC, Linda Sánchez, emitió la siguiente declaración sobre un grupo de interés externo que gasta más de $1 millón contra Raquel Terán en el 3er distrito del congreso de Arizona, un distrito de mayoría latina donde viven más de medio millón de latinos. "Esto es un esfuerzo descarado por parte de un grupo externo para silenciar las voces de más de medio millón de latinos en un distrito de mayoría latina con el fin de comprar un puesto en el Congreso. Raquel Terán ha dedicado su elección a defender los derechos de los latinos en todo el estado. En lugar de apoyar a una latina excepcionalmente cualificada y la única en la elección, este grupo ha decidido trabajar en contra de la comunidad latina invirtiendo más de $1 millón de dólares contra ella. Esto socava la capacidad de los latinos para elegir a su propio representante y socava el progreso por el cual BOLD PAC ha luchado durante décadas,” dijo la presidenta Linda Sánchez . "Es particularmente indignante que, en un intento por negar a la comunidad latina una representación justa en el Congreso, este grupo externo haya elegido comunicarse en español en nombre de una candidata que no es latina. Están tratando de convencer a los votantes de que Yassamin Ansari entiende los desafíos que enfrentan los latinos trabajadores, cuando la verdad es que no pueden hablar de sus experiencias. La única candidata que puede hacer eso es Raquel Terán. "Los demócratas deben tomar en serio a los votantes latinos en esta elección, especialmente en Arizona. Así que un esfuerzo masivo para silenciar las voces latinas en este crucial estado clave plantea la pregunta: ¿a quién está realmente sirviendo este grupo externo? En cambio, los demócratas deberían redoblar sus inversiones en candidatos latinos como Raquel, que energiza a los votantes latinos en noviembre. Arizona nunca ha tenido una representante latina en el Congreso, dando al 3er distrito – que es 65 por ciento hispano – la oportunidad de hacer historia este año. "BOLD PAC tiene un orgulloso historial de enfrentar las grandes luchas, especialmente contra grupos externos decididos a socavar la representación latina. Apoyamos a más de 40 demócratas electos, organizaciones progresistas y líderes comunitarios que han respaldado a Raquel, incluyendo al senador Mark Kelly, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Unidos US y el League of Conservation Voters Action Fund (LCV) mientras nos comprometemos a hacer todo lo posible para llevar a Raquel al Congreso. Ella es una latina extraordinariamente calificada que – como nosotros – nunca se echa atrás en una pelea." SOBRE RAQUEL TERÁN Raquel Terán nació en Douglas, Arizona, y creció en Agua Prieta, Sonora, México, en la calle que divide a Estados Unidos de México. Es una orgullosa hija de inmigrantes mexicanos, una organizadora comunitaria y una defensora de las familias trabajadoras de Arizona. Ha pasado la mayor parte de su carrera luchando contra las políticas republicanas antiinmigrantes. En 2011, Raquel ayudó a construir una poderosa coalición de demócratas, republicanos, independientes, latinos, miembros de sindicatos, educadores y activistas juveniles para destituir a un legislador en funciones, el senador Russell Pearce, autor de la notoria ley SB 1070 "muéstrame tus papeles." En 2016, lideró la misma coalición para rechazar a Joe Arpaio. En 2018, fue elegida para la Legislatura de Arizona. Como legisladora estatal, ayudó a proteger el salario mínimo del estado, expandir el acceso a la atención médica y proteger el derecho de las mujeres a elegir. En 2022, Raquel reunió a su coalición una vez más para rechazar a los extremistas del GOP como Kari Lake y ayudar a elegir un gobernador demócrata, un secretario de estado y un fiscal general por primera vez en décadas. Raquel Terán ha dedicado su carrera a luchar por la justicia y la igualdad, y continuará esa lucha en el Congreso. ### CHC BOLD PAC, el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano, fue fundado en 2001 para aumentar la representación latina en el Congreso. Desde su fundación, BOLD PAC ha más que duplicado el tamaño del Caucus Hispano del Congreso.
By Bold . 27 Jun, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 25, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez Rick Scott’s Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds Scott releases campaign ad touting support for in vitro fertilization ONE DAY after voting against IVF protections Washington, D.C. - The hypocrisy that Republican and Trump supporter Rick Scott tells Florida families is endless. The Republican senator released a campaign ad touting his support for in vitro fertilization a day after voting against the Right to IVF Act. "Each of my 7 grandkids is a precious gift from God. But sometimes families need help. You can count on this grandpa to always protect IVF,” said Scott . In the ad, the Florida senator mentions that his youngest daughter is receiving IVF treatments and that “she and I both agree IVF must be protected.”
By Bold . 24 Jun, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 24, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez On the Anniversary of Overturn Roe v. Wade, CHC BOLD PAC Releases A Comprehensive BOLD Translate Toolkit on Reproductive Rights This BOLD Translate toolkit is an open access Spanish translation tool for Democratic campaigns and activists, focused on the Dos and Don’ts of translating reproductive rights Washington, D.C. - Today marks the second anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade . With recent state Supreme Court rulings in Arizona and Florida that restrict abortion access, safe and universal access to abortion has become a top issue for Latina voters in the 2024 electoral cycle. To win Latino votes, we must meet them where they are. That means communicating about reproductive rights in a culturally competent way and avoiding common Spanish mistranslations of this critical issue. When communicating with Latino voters, we must recognize that they are not a monolith, nor is their approach to reproductive healthcare and abortion. It is important to keep in mind that Latinas come from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, religious traditions, and countries of origin. Time and again polling has confirmed that Latinos want their reproductive freedom, including access to abortion, regardless of their personal beliefs on the matter. This comprehensive BOLD Translate toolkit will focus on the correct Spanish translations for a variety of issues related to reproductive rights . It is crucial that voters understand that limiting access to reproductive healthcare extends far beyond just abortion and can also result in restricting access to contraception, prenatal care, cancer screenings, and other preventive health services. Last summer we released our first part of this toolkit highlighting reproductive healthcare, overturned, pro-choice, and anti-choice messaging guidance. This extension will provide messaging guidance and key statistics on a variety of topics such as IVF and contraception to the Latino community, allowing us to educate our community about how Democrats are delivering for Latinos. BOLD Translate is part of BOLD PAC’s “ Our Lucha ” initiative, a wide-ranging initiative that puts BOLD PAC at the forefront of the fight for every Latino vote. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
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