March 22, 2024
Contact: Diana Castañeda
Don Bacon's Big Cover Up: “He Quietly Deletes Anti-Abortion Endorsements From Website”
Rolling Stone: “Bacon’s efforts to downplay his long-standing positions on abortion illustrate just how politically toxic GOP efforts to restrict women’s reproductive rights have become in the wake of the Supreme Court decision overruling Roe v. Wade — even in Nebraska.”
“The section that disappeared from the site also enumerated Bacon’s perfect ratings from the anti-abortion organizations”
On Bacon’s lie that he always defended the truth of the mother, Rolling Stone said “That is not true: The congressman has previously signed on as co-sponsor of the Life at Conception Act, not once but twice — in 2019 and 2021. The 2021 version declared that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution “is vested in each human being … including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.”
Washington, D.C. –
It’s not surprising that, once again, MAGA extremist Don Bacon is attempting to cover up his extreme anti-abortion and anti-reproductive rights views in an election year when reproductive healthcare will be a key issue for voters nationwide.
“Don Bacon is an extremist Republican who is in damage control mode, trying to reframe and moderate his positions to scam hard working Nebraskans. But voters won’t forget that he signed on as co-sponsor of the Life at Conception Act — not once, but twice. Bacon’s record is crystal clear – he wants to ban abortion nationwide with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother and he wants to effectively ban IVF nationwide No amount of covering up will fool Latino voters,” said BOLD PAC Executive Director Victoria McGroary.
Rolling Stone:
Endangered Republican Don Bacon Quietly Deletes Anti-Abortion Endorsements From Website
Tessa Stuart | March 22, 2024
Key Excerpts:
BOLD PAC’s Cutting Edge “Our Lucha War Room”
To help Democrats win the 2024 elections where Latino voters will decide the margins of victory in critical races across the House and Senate battlefield, CHC BOLD PAC recently launched “Our Lucha War Room,” a first of its kind rapid response war room to reach out to Latino voters with content in Spanglish and Spanish. This vigorous offensive effort will speak directly to Latino audiences in an authentic way to combat the lies that target our communities and includes research and communications staff dedicated to combating disinformation targeting Latinos, holding MAGA Republicans accountable for their extreme anti-Latino agenda, and positioning BOLD PAC’s incumbents and endorsed Latina and Latino candidates for victory in the 2024 elections.
BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by getting more Latinos and Latinas elected. In 2022, BOLD PAC elected the largest Democratic CHC in history, bringing nine new Latinos to the House, including four in seats that were picked up by House Democrats. This was the result of over $6 Million in direct investments for Latino candidates, the largest sum in the organization’s history. Additionally, BOLD PAC played an integral role in protecting the Democratic majority in the Senate by helping re-elect Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, the first and only Latina in the Senate.
CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has almost doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
Marzo 22, 2024
Contact: Diana Castañeda
El Gran Encubrimiento de Don Bacon: “Borró silenciosamente los respaldos antiaborto de su página web”
Rolling Stone: “Los esfuerzos de Bacon por restar importancia a sus posiciones de larga data sobre el aborto ilustran cuán políticamente tóxicos se han vuelto los esfuerzos del Partido Republicano para restringir los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres incluso en Nebraska, a raíz de la decisión de la Corte Suprema que anuló el caso Roe v. Wade”.
“La sección que desapareció de la página web también enumeraba las calificaciones perfectas de Bacon por parte de las organizaciones antiaborto”
Washington, D.C. – No sorprende que una vez más, el extremista y Trumpista Don Bacon, esté intentando enmascarar sus opiniones extrams contra el aborto y la salud reproductiva de las mujeres, en un año electoral en el que los derechos reproductivos serán un tema clave para los votantes de todo el país.
(Vulnerable Republicano Don Bacon borra silenciosamente de su pagina web los respaldos antiaborto. El locuaz congresista republicano antiaborto gano por poco su distrito Biden +6 en 2022)
Don Bacon es un republicano extremista que ahora quiere hacer control de daño, tratando de moderar sus posiciones sobre el aborto para engañar a las familias de Nebraska. Pero los votantes no olvidarán que él fue copatrocinador de la Ley de vida en el momento de la concepción, no solo una sino dos veces. Bacon quiere prohibir el aborto en todo el país sin excepciones por violación, incesto o riesgo para la vida de la mujer, al igual que limitar el acceso a la FIV”, dijo la presidenta de BOLD PAC, Linda Sánchez.
Washington, DC 20003
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Last Updated September 2024