A man in a blue shirt is leaning on a railing with his hands folded and smiling.


Gil Cisneros


The proud son of a Vietnam veteran and a cafeteria worker, Gil Cisneros knows what it takes to be a hard worker and leader. Now he's ready to take the fight back to Washington and deliver real results for his community.



The proud son of a Vietnam veteran and a cafeteria worker, Gil Cisneros knows what it takes to be a hard worker and leader. Through his ten years of service as U.S Naval Officer, Gil has been awarded some of the most prestigious awards, including the Navy Commendation Medal and the Navy Achievement Medal.

Gil dedicated himself to philanthropy. Together with his wife, Gil partnered with the Hispanic Scholarship Fund and the City of Pico Rivera to create Generation First Degree Pico Rivera, with the goal of putting a college degree in every household in the city, and communities across the San Gabriel Valley. 

In 2019 Gil was first elected to serve in Congress for California’s 39th Congressional district where he successfully helped recover $550k for constituents and brought $136M in non-COVID related grants for infrastructure and services. He stood up to Donald Trump and voted to impeach him for abuse of power and obstruction of justice.

He most recently served as Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness and the Military’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. In this position he was able to ensure employees had basic rights protected and implemented the Pentagon’s newest abortion policy for military personnel.

Gil graduated with a B.A. in Political Science from The George Washington University, holds an MBA from Regis University and M.A. in Urban Education Policy from Brown.

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