Member | CA-21
As a product of the American Dream himself, Jim believes that everyone deserves the chance that his family had. Jim is an active third-generation family farmer and lifelong San Joaquin Valley resident. Jim has championed comprehensive reform that continues to expand civil justice rights that protects all americans.
Jim has applied his farming background to fighting for water, agriculture, healthcare, and the economy. Jim believes that we must continue to work together to find ways to not only support our nation's agricultural production but also to ensure that Americans continue to have access to the safest, most abundant food and agriculture products. As a member of the House Committee for Agriculture, Jim has protected California agriculture, enhanced water storage, repaired critical infrastructure, and advocated for a strong national defense to keep us safe from threats here at home and abroad. Jim has a proven track record of being a champion for the American economy, putting food and jobs in the hands of Americans. Jim helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act which will lower kitchen table costs for Americans and slash the deficit by $300 billion. He has and will continue to work on finding short and long-term solutions to address the global challenges of rising costs as a result of inflation and focusing on repairing our supply chain to reduce impacts at home.
Washington, DC 20003
Contacto de Prensa
Last Updated September 2024