A woman in a suit and a purple shirt is smiling for the camera.



CHCI Chair, Member | CA-44

Born in Harbor City and growing up in its surrounding harbor communities, Nanette’s humble beginnings shaped her interest in issues that she recognizes matters both  locally and nationally, that’s she's fighting for a better future. 



Nanette's passion for helping others has only flourished, from volunteering to help build homes for low-income families to helping immigrant families escape violence and keeping them together. Nanette has been fighting for children and families since college. Now as congresswoman, Nanette’s dedication to supporting changing policy for Americans has only grown stronger. Nanette currently serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and serves as the forefront of combating climate change and fighting back against the Trump Administration’s efforts to roll back critical environmental regulations. On the committee, Nanette serves as a voice for the communities that have been on the frontlines of the negative health impacts associated with climate change and environmental injustice. Most recently, Nanette announced the establishment of the Congressional Caucus on Homelessness. The Caucus will act as a dedicated forum for Members of Congress to work toward the common goal of ending homelessness in this country. Nanette continued to trailblaze the path for change as she served as the Chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in the 118th Congress.

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