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CHC BOLD PAC Announces “Our Lucha” Initiative featuring New Youtube Channel “Ya Tu Sabes” in Latest Effort to Fight for Every Latino Vote


August 12, 2022


CHC BOLD PAC Announces “Our Lucha” Initiative featuring New Youtube Channel “Ya Tu Sabes” in Latest Effort to Fight for Every Latino Vote?


New YouTube Channel Launches to Educate and Engage Latino Voters, and Combat Misinformation especially in NM-02 and TX-15

Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – announces “Our Lucha,” a wide ranging initiative that puts the PAC at the forefront of the fight for every Latino vote in the midterms and beyond. The announcement includes the launch of a new YouTube Channel “Ya Tu Sabes” which will be hosted by Latina actress and television host, Gabriela Fresquez. Ya Tu Sabes is the latest phase of outreach under the new Our Lucha banner and is backed by a six figure investment. 


Our Lucha is a multi-scope initiative meant to engage Latinos voters across the country ahead of the midterms. It includes BOLD PAC’s Latino led efforts to educate them on the issues and combat misinformation, mobilize them to make change, and persuade them to vote for Democrats. Previous phases of this effort include launching “Elect Diverse Democrats” last year, an affiliated committee dedicated to protecting the voting rights of communities of color and to fighting for a fair and representative Congressional delegation. Our Lucha also includes a six figure national redistricting investment last year that empowered local Latino grassroots organizations in key states to organize Latinos to fight for fair and representative maps. The launch of Ya Tu Sabes also builds on previous digital work by BOLD PAC to combat misinformation targeting Latinos through digital ads holding Republicans accountable for their role in promoting the Big Lie and inciting the January 6th insurrection. 


“The effort to educate and engage the Latino community is ours – it’s our community and it’s our fight. Our Lucha is about our comunidad. It’s about our commitment to advocate for ourselves and to do it by amplifying diverse voices from within with early investments and tactics that will actually resonate with Latinos. While Our Lucha started in earnest this cycle, it builds on over 20 years of us leading the charge to mobilize Latinos. This work has always been led by Hispanics, from Members of Congress and candidates to political operatives. Fighting for more diverse representation is what BOLD PAC does, and it’s something we will keep doing for decades to come,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairman Ruben Gallego.


Innovative digital outreach is critical to engaging with Latinos, who are more likely to own a smart-phone than other groups and get significant amounts of information from YouTube. According to the Pew Research Center, 85% of Hispanic adults use YouTube, the highest rate of any social media platform for the group. Pew also found that Hispanic Americans are more likely to use WhatsApp than other groups. 


Ya Tu Sabes, a colloquialism which means “Now you know” in English, is a new YouTube channel that will educate and inform Latinos with humor and in a culturally competent way. Episodes will air in English with shorter summaries in Spanish. Each episode will also include a way for viewers to share the video directly with their networks through WhatsApp. The first episode will focus on the economy. The channel will also focus on other important issues including education and guns and will include ads in New Mexico’s 2nd District and Texas’ 15th District. It is produced by Latino strategists and will feature Latina actress and television host Gabriela Fresquez


Fresquez said she is thrilled to help the country’s largest minority increase its participation and power to move change forward in their communities: “Engaging audiences requires having a conversation, not talking at people or implying to know more than they do. I’m humbled BOLD PAC selected me to help advance Latino’s interests by talking about the things that matter to us y nuestra familias.The topic of politics at our dinner tables has long-been a dirty word, or at least a well-established taboo, to say the least, but elections impact our every-day lives and the people we care about the most. Hosting “Ya Tu Sabes” is an opportunity to start much-needed conversations within our communities, and I’m excited to be a part of that,” Fresquez added.


CHC BOLD PAC Executive Director Victoria McGroary highlighted that the channel applies a new lens to how political information is shared with the Latino community. “Efforts to engage Latinos need to meet the reality of their daily lives in new and creative ways. Ya Tu Sabes is at the cutting edge of political outreach to our community and will deliver messages in a way that’s relatable and fun ahead of the midterms. These aren’t your ordinary political spots. They’re all about meeting Latinos where they are. Latinos are online, on their phones, and on Youtube and Whatsapp. That’s where Democrats need to be too.”


Ya Tu Sabes intro video can be found here in English along with the Spanish version here. The first episode on the economy can be found here in English and the Spanish version is here




Gabriela Fresquez is a Mexican-American actress and television host. As a multi-hyphenate talent, she recently hosted, produced, and wrote on all 48 episodes of the multi award-nominated NBC Universal Telemundo series, Radar—-a first-of-its-kind English-language millennial/gen Z focused-news show geared toward a bicultural, Latino audience. Radar was nominated for the 2021 Imagen Awards and NY Film & TV Awards. 


In 2018, Fresquez created a series called the LatinXpert distributed on her social media, which caught the attention of the producers at NBC Universal and helped secure her national show. Gabriela got her start performing at a young age in theater before attending the USC Annenberg school for Journalism. It was in those formative years that she realized her true calling was storytelling in any form.


Her acting career has allowed her to work with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars including Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Danny DeVito, and Zooey Deschanel. She can be seen in television projects such as “Jane the Virgin,” “Rizzoli & Isles,” “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” and “American Crime Story,” to name a few. Giving voice to the Latino and LGBTQ+ community as well as domestic violence victims is at the forefront of Gabriela’s life outside of Hollywood. She is heavily involved in her community, co-creating The Untitled Women’s Project which seeks to uplift underrepresented women in the industry.




Founded in 2001, the Committee for Hispanic Causes Building Our Leadership Diversity PAC (CHC BOLD PAC) is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. It is dedicated to electing Latinos and Latinas to Congress and is powered by thousands of donors from across the country. Over the past 21 years, BOLD PAC has doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.


While its core mission focuses on increasing diversity in Congress, BOLD PAC has also played an integral role in making and defending the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. In 2020, BOLD PAC endorsed 117 House and Senate candidates across the country and contributed $1 million directly to their campaigns. These efforts helped elect and re-elect 45 Members of Congress.




12 de Agosto de 2022


CHC BOLD PAC anuncia nueva iniciativa “Nuestra Lucha” con su nuevo canal de Youtube “Ya Tu Sabes”, que busca luchar por cada voto latino 

El lanzamiento del nuevo canal de YouTube busca combatir la desinformación y educar y movilizar a los votantes latinos, especialmente en NM-02 y TX-15

Washington, D.C. - Hoy CHC BOLD PAC, el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano del Congreso, anuncia “Nuestra Lucha”, una iniciativa abarcadora que pone al PAC al frente de la lucha por cada voto latino, en las elecciones de medio término y más allá. El anuncio incluye el lanzamiento del nuevo canal de YouTube, “Ya Tu Sabes”, que será conducido por la actriz y presentadora de televisión latina, Gabriela Fresquez. Ya Tu Sabes es la última fase del esfuerzo, bajo el nuevo lema “Our Lucha” y está respaldado por una inversión de seis cifras.


Our Lucha es una iniciativa de múltiples alcances destinada a motivar a los votantes latinos en todo el país, antes de las elecciones de medio término. Incluye los esfuerzos latinos de BOLD PAC para combatir la desinformación, educar y movilizar a los votantes latinos para que voten por los demócratas. Las fases anteriores de este esfuerzo incluyen el lanzamiento de "Elija a demócratas diversos" el año pasado, un comité afiliado dedicado a proteger los derechos al voto de las minorías raciales y étnicas, y a luchar por una delegación Congresional justa y representativa. Our Lucha también incluye una iniciativa de movilización nacional frente al proceso de redistribución de distritos, con una inversión de seis cifras que se realizó el año. El objetivo es empoderar a las organizaciones de base latinas locales en estados clave, para organizar a los latinos y luchar por mapas electorales justos y representativos. El lanzamiento de Ya Tu Sabes también le da seguimiento al trabajo digital que ha realizado BOLD PAC para combatir la desinformación dirigida a los latinos a través de anuncios digitales, que responsabilizan a los republicanos por su papel en la promoción de la Gran Mentira y por incitar a la insurrección del 6 de enero.


“El esfuerzo de educar y motivar a la comunidad latina es nuestra responsabilidad porque es nuestra comunidad y es nuestra lucha. Our Lucha se trata de nuestra comunidad. Se trata de nuestro compromiso de abogar por nosotros mismos y amplificar diversas voces, con inversiones tempranas y tácticas que realmente resonarán entre los latinos. Our Lucha comenzó este ciclo, pero se basa en más de 20 años de nuestro liderazgo para movilizar a los latinos. Este trabajo siempre ha sido liderado por hispanos, desde miembros del Congreso y candidatos hasta estrategas políticos. Luchar por una representación más diversa es lo que ha hecho BOLD PAC, y es algo que seguiremos haciendo durante las próximas décadas”, dijo el presidente de CHC BOLD PAC, Rubén Gallego.


El alcance digital es fundamental para conectarse con los latinos, quienes tienen más probabilidades de tener un teléfono que otros grupos y obtener mucha información a través de YouTube. Según el Centro de Investigación Pew, el 85% de los adultos hispanos usan YouTube, la tasa más alta de cualquier plataforma de redes sociales para este grupo. Pew también descubrió que los hispanos en los Estados Unidos son más propensos a utilizar WhatsApp que otros grupos.


Ya Tu Sabes, un coloquialismo que significa “Now you know” en inglés, es un nuevo canal de YouTube que educará e informará a los latinos con humor y de una manera culturalmente competente. Los episodios se transmitirán en inglés con resúmenes en español. Cada episodio también incluirá un enlace donde el público puede compartir el video directamente en sus redes sociales y en WhatsApp. El primer episodio aborda la economía. El canal también se enfocará en otros asuntos importantes, como la educación, armas, entre otros temas, e incluirá anuncios en el Distrito 2 de Nuevo México y el Distrito 15 de Texas. El programa es producido por estrategas latinos y contará con la actriz y presentadora de televisión latina Gabriela Fresquez.


Fresquez dijo que está encantada de ayudar a la minoría más grande del país a aumentar su participación y poder en sus comunidades: “Involucrar a las audiencias requiere llevar a cabo un diálogo, no hablar o implicar que sabes más que ellos. Me siento honrada de que BOLD PAC me haya seleccionado para ayudar a promover los intereses de los latinos, dialogando sobre las cosas que nos importan a nosotros y a nuestras familias. El tema de la política en nuestros hogares ha tenido durante mucho tiempo un sabor amargo o al menos se ha convertido en un tabú, pero las elecciones impactan nuestras vidas y las de las personas que más nos importan. Ser anfitriona de Ya Tu Sabes es una oportunidad para iniciar conversaciones muy necesarias dentro de nuestras comunidades, y estoy emocionada de ser parte de eso”, agregó Fresquez.


La directora ejecutiva de CHC BOLD PAC, Victoria McGroary, señaló que el canal aplica una nueva perspectiva sobre cómo se comparte la información política con la comunidad latina. “Los esfuerzos para involucrar a los latinos deben enfrentar la realidad de su vida diaria de formas novedosas y creativas. Ya Tu Sabes está a la vanguardia del alcance político de nuestra comunidad y transmitirá mensajes de una manera que sea fácil de identificar y divertida antes de las elecciones de medio término. Estos no son sus lugares políticos tradicionales. Se trata de acercarse a los latinos donde están. Los latinos están en línea, en sus teléfonos, en Youtube y Whatsapp. Ahí es donde los demócratas también deben estar”.


El primer video introductorio de Ya Tu Sabes se puede encontrar aquí en inglés, junto con la versión en español aquí. El primer episodio sobre la economía se puede encontrar aquí en inglés y la versión en español aquí.




Gabriela Fresquez es una actriz y presentadora de televisión mexicano-estadounidense. Fresquez es una artista multitalentosa y recientemente presentó, produjo y escribió los 48 episodios de Radar, la serie de NBC Universal Telemundo nominada a múltiples premios, el primer programa en inglés de la generación Z/millennial dirigido a una audiencia bicultural y latina. Radar fue nominado a los Premios Imagen 2021 y los Premios NY Film & TV.


En 2018, Fresquez creó una serie llamada LatinXpert distribuida en sus redes sociales, que llamó la atención de los productores de NBC Universal y ayudó a asegurar su programa nacional. Gabriela comenzó a actuar a una edad temprana en el teatro antes de asistir a la escuela de periodismo USC Annenberg. Fue en esos años de formación cuando se dio cuenta que su verdadera vocación era contar historias en cualquier forma.


Su carrera como actriz le ha permitido trabajar con algunas de las estrellas más importantes de Hollywood, como Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Danny DeVito y Zooey Deschanel. Se la puede ver en proyectos de televisión como "Jane the Virgin", "Rizzoli & Isles", "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" y "American Crime Story", por nombrar algunos. Dar voz a la comunidad Latina y LGBTQ+, así como a las víctimas de violencia doméstica, está a la vanguardia de la vida de Gabriela fuera de Hollywood. Está muy involucrada en su comunidad, co-creando The Untitled Women's Project, que busca elevar a las mujeres subrepresentadas en la industria.




El Comité para Causas Hispanas Construyendo Nuestro Liderazgo (Building Our Leadership Diversity) PAC (CHC BOLD PAC) es el brazo de campaña del Caucus Hispano del Congreso. Fue fundado en 2001. Se dedica a elegir latinos y latinas para el Congreso y tiene el apoyo de miles de donantes de todo el país. En los últimos 21 años, BOLD PAC ha duplicado los números del Caucus Hispano del Congreso.


Mientras que BOLD se enfoca en aumentar la diversidad en el Congreso, también desempeñó un papel integral en la protección de la mayoría demócrata. En 2020, BOLD PAC respaldó a 117 candidatos en todo el país y contribuyó $1 millón de dólares directamente a sus campañas. Estos esfuerzos ayudaron a elegir y reelegir a 45 miembros del Congreso.

By Bold . March 6, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 05, 2025 Contact: Karla Rodriguez TRUMP’S FIRST MONTH HAS ONLY MADE LIFE MORE EXPENSIVE FOR AMERICANS WASHINGTON, D.C. – As President Trump delivered his first speech to a Joint Session of Congress, one fact is clear: his first month in office has done nothing to bring down costs for working families — in fact, he’s hurting their pocketbooks. Instead of fighting to lower prices at the grocery store, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, or lower the costs of housing, Trump has spent his time: Ignoring the spike in egg prices, with the national average hitting $5 in his first month back. Eggs shouldn’t be a luxury. Pressuring Republicans to pass a budget resolution that would cut $2 billion in federal Medicaid funds from each congressional district, gutting health care for 15.9 million Americans . Rolling back an executive order from the Biden administration to lower prescription drug prices to $2. Admitting—twice —that lowering costs and making life more affordable is not his top priority . “Donald Trump promised to help working Americans, but his first month back in the White House has been a disaster for their wallets,” said Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “He’s proving once again that he’s only looking out for himself while Latino families foot the bill. BOLD PAC remains committed to electing leaders who will put working families first. We won’t let Trump’s disastrous policies go unchecked.” CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.1 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure seven new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . February 10, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 6th, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez Statement from BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez on the Fourth Anniversary of January 6th Washington D.C. - Today, Chairwoman Linda Sánchez released a statement on the fourth anniversary of January 6th. “Four years ago, our nation witnessed a devastating attack on our democracy as a violent mob incited by Donald Trump, stormed the U.S. Capitol. This insurrection was not just an assault on a building—it was an assault on the very principles that uphold our democratic system,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez. “Today we upheld the peaceful transfer of power—even when elections don't go our way—is a cornerstone of our democracy, and Latino Democrats remained committed to upholding this principle. We will continue working tirelessly to ensure that our democratic processes and institutions serve the American people, no matter the outcome of future elections. “BOLD PAC will remain committed to its mission to fight misinformation, safeguard our democracy, and protect the institutions that uphold our freedoms. We will continue working tirelessly to empower our communities and ensure the promise of democracy is preserved for generations to come.” ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . January 9, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 3, 2025 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates New Seven Latino Democratic Members of Congress  Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, congratulates seven new Latino Democratic Members of Congress on their swearing-in: Senator Ruben Gallego (Sen-AZ) and Representatives Sam Liccardo (CA-16), Luz Rivas (CA-29), Gil Cisneros (CA-31), Nellie Pou (NJ-09) and Emily Randall (WA-06), and Pablo José Hernández Rivera, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. These new Members of Congress, alongside the current Members of the CHC, will fight to deliver for all American families. Hispanic Democrats remain strong, resilient, and united. Our leadership in the coming cycle will be more crucial than ever. We will continue electing Hispanic Democrats who will fight to improve economic opportunities for Latinos, support working families, protect reproductive rights, and counter a radical White House pushing extreme immigration policies and focused on retaking both the House and Senate from the radical Republican majority. "As Chairwoman of CHC BOLD PAC, I am incredibly proud of the strides we made together. Over the past two years, we doubled down on our efforts and built on the foundation of our predecessors. This past cycle, we raised a record-breaking $20.4 million—the most by any Chair in a two-year span–—expanded our independent expenditure efforts to defend our incumbents and elected the largest Democratic CHC in history,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . "BOLD PAC is proud to congratulate our returning and new BOLD members. These champions have shown unwavering dedication to advancing policies that support working families, protect reproductive rights, and expand opportunities for Latino communities. We stand with them as they continue fighting to defend our democracy and deliver real results for the people they represent." CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure seven new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . December 12, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 12, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates Rep. Linda Sánchez on her Re-Election as BOLD PAC Chair Washington, D.C. – Today, CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, announced the re-election of Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (CA-38) as Chair for the 2026 cycle. Chairwoman Sánchez, the first woman to chair CHC BOLD PAC, led efforts to elect the largest Democratic CHC in history by adding seven new CHC members in the last election. Under Chairwoman Sánchez’s leadership, CHC BOLD PAC has been a driving force in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.5 million in independent expenditures—the largest in BOLD’s history. She also led Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reaching out to Latino voters with content in both Spanish and Spanglish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. "It is an honor to continue leading CHC BOLD PAC as we work to ensure Congress reflects the diversity of the people it represents," said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . "Our mission is clear: to build on our progress, elect Latino and Latina leaders who will fight for working families, and advance policies that uplift every community. We’re ready to take back the House and Senate and stand firm against Trump’s divisive attacks on the Latino community. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves, defend our incumbents, and ensure Latino and Latina candidates have the support and resources they need to win nationwide." REP. LINDA SÁNCHEZ A former labor lawyer, mom, and proud daughter of immigrants from Mexico, Congresswoman Linda Sánchez represents California’s 38th congressional district. Prior to being elected to Congress, Congresswoman Sánchez worked for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), where she began working on compliance cases for Orange County. As the first IBEW woman elected to Congress and co-founder of the House Labor and Working Families Caucus, she also worked to establish a pro-labor agenda in Congress while supporting workers' rights and American families. Congresswoman Sánchez’s strategic leadership and substantive policy expertise have been crucial to the progress House Democrats have achieved for working families. She has been a fierce guardian of Social Security and a strong advocate for the resources needed to improve the lives of all Americans. She has proven herself as a national leader on issues facing the Latino community, supporting both the Dream and Promise Act and a pathway for Dreamers to become citizens. Congresswoman Sánchez introduced the Gender Equality in Health Premiums Act. The plan prohibits health insurance providers from charging women higher prices than men and was passed as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . November 13, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 13, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates Representative Mike Levin On His Re-Election To California’s 49th District Washington, D.C. - Tonight, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – congratulates Rep. Mike Levin on his re-election to California’s 49th Congressional District. CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez issued the following statement on Rep. Levin’s victory: “Congressman Mike Levin is a proven leader when it comes to combating climate change and supporting veterans,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “I'm grateful for his leadership to reduce veteran homelessness and strengthen their economic opportunities. We’re looking forward to continuing serving alongside him in Congress.” CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure seven new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . November 13, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 12, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates Rep. Ruben Gallego On His Historic Win As The First Latino Senator In Arizona As The First Latino Senator In Arizona, Rep. Ruben Gallego Makes A Historic Win In The Senate Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – congratulates Rep. Ruben Gallego on his election to become Arizona’s first Latino Senator. CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez issued the following statement on Rep Ruben Gallego’s victory: "Ruben Gallego is a trailblazer and today, he adds yet another achievement: becoming the first Latino Senator from Arizona, " said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . "From bringing jobs to Arizona, to expanding health care access and protecting our reproductive freedoms, Senator-elect Gallego is a relentless advocate for working families. His pivotal role ensures Senate Democrats can keep fighting for the issues that matter most to Americans." “BOLD PAC is especially proud of the role we played in his historic election. We invested over $1.2 Million to help mobilize Latino, and especially Latina, voters in Arizona, the largest single investment in our 23 year history. Ruben has dedicated his career to fighting for our community, from leading ballot initiatives as a Phoenix organizer to serving in the State House, Congress, and even as a former Chair of BOLD PAC. We look forward to all he will do to continue fighting for the Latino community, and all Americans, in the Senate.” CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure seven new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . November 12, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 9, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Perez on Her Re-Election To Washington's 3rd District Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – congratulates Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez on her re-election to Washington's 3rd Congressional District. CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez issued the following statement on Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez’s victory: “Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is a dedicated advocate for working families and small business owners like herself,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “Her work on the House Small Business Committee has been vital in supporting small businesses and empowering local entrepreneurs. I am grateful for her leadership, and we are eager to continue partnering with her in Congress to ensure that every family has the opportunity to succeed.” CHC BOLD PAC spent over $6.15 million on its independent expenditure arm in support of Latino incumbents and congressional candidates. This is the largest sum of independent expenditure investments in BOLD PAC’s 23-year history. It includes over $160,000 of investments in support of Marie Gluesenkamp Perez. CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure six new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . November 12, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 9, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates Representative Andrea Salinas On Her Re-Election To Oregon’s 6th District Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – congratulates Rep. Andrea Salinas on her re-election to Oregon’s 6th Congressional District. CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez issued the following statement on Rep. Salina’s victory: “Congresswoman Andrea Salinas has been a champion in the fight against climate change, expanding access to health care, and protecting reproductive rights,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “Her leadership has been instrumental in supporting Oregon’s farmers producers while lowering food costs and standing up for rural communities. We are so proud of the early role we played in getting her first elected in 2022. I’m deeply grateful for her tireless efforts, and we look forward to continuing our work alongside her in Congress to uplift and protect the people we represent.” CHC BOLD PAC spent over $6.15 million on its independent expenditure arm in support of Latino incumbents and congressional candidates. This is the largest sum of independent expenditure investments in BOLD PAC’s 23-year history. It includes over $600,000 of investments in support of Andrea Salinas. CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure six new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . November 12, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 8, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates 6 New Latino Democrats on their Historic Elections to Congress Washington, D.C. - Tonight, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – congratulates 6 Latino Democratic candidates in their historic elections to Congress and on their historic victory. These Members-elect, alongside the current Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, will fight to deliver for all American families. “Latinos made history on Tuesday. We are excited to welcome these 6 new Latino Democrats to Congress next year and are proud of the crucial role BOLD PAC played in their historic victories,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “These candidates are trailblazers that have broken barriers and will be fearless advocates for their communities. BOLD PAC’s mission is to diversify Congress and this cycle, we doubled down on our efforts by recruiting strong Latino candidates across the country and making sure they had the resources they needed to succeed. We’re eager to stand alongside them to fight for our communities in Congress.” BOLD PAC transferred over $6.15 Million to its independent expenditure in support of Latino incumbents and congressional candidates. This is the largest sum of independent expenditure investments in BOLD PAC’s 23-year history. These candidates represent the diversity of the Latino community and are fearless trailblazers who have achieved historic firsts for their communities in the 2024 elections: Sam Liccardo (CA-16) will be the first Latino representing Northern California in 120 years. Luz Rivas (CA-29) will be the first Latina to represent California’s 29th Congressional District. Gil Cisneros (CA-31) will represent California’s 31st Congressional District. Nellie Pou (NJ-09) will be the first Latina to represent New Jersey at the federal level. Emily Randall (WA-06) will be the first Queer Latina elected to Congress. Pablo José Hernández Rivera will be the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure six new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
By Bold . November 12, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 7, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Congratulates Pablo José Hernández Rivera On His Election As The Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. - Today, CHC BOLD PAC – the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – congratulates Pablo José Hernández Rivera on his election as the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez issued the following statement on Pablo José Hernández Rivera’s victory: “BOLD PAC is thrilled to congratulate Pablo José Hernández Rivera on his victory as the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. Pablo José has spent his career fighting for our working families,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “We are confident that Pablo José’s leadership and unwavering commitment to his community will continue to make a lasting difference for Puerto Ricans.” CHC BOLD PAC CHC BOLD PAC is the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is dedicated to increasing diversity in the House and Senate by helping more Latinos get elected. CHC BOLD PAC led an unprecedented effort in the 2024 cycle, investing $6.15 million in independent expenditures – the largest in BOLD’s history. Our ‘Lucha War Room,’ a first-of-its-kind rapid-response initiative, reached out to Latino voters with content in both Spanglish and Spanish, cutting through the noise with culturally resonant messaging. Thanks to these efforts, BOLD PAC helped secure six new Democratic Latino members of Congress. ### CHC BOLD PAC , the campaign arm of the Hispanic Caucus, was founded in 2001 to increase Latino representation in Congress. Since its founding, BOLD PAC has more than doubled the size of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
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