Grace Meng currently represents New York’s 6th Congressional District in Queens where she was born and raised. As the daughter of immigrants, she pursued a career in public interest law and later served in the NY State Assembly before running for Congress in 2012. In the House of Representatives, Meng continues to advocate for inclusive policies for overlooked communities. Her work ethic in Congress does not go unnoticed. She was named by the Center of Effective Law as the one of the most effective legislators in the Democratic Party. Meng serves on the Appropriations Committee as well as the Subcommittees on Commerce, Justice, Science, and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. She is a leading voice on food safety, clean water, consumer protection for families, and menstrual equity issues.
Meng chairs the political arm of Asian American Congressional Caucus and serves as an elected Vice Chair of the DNC, where she has advanced outreach to underrepresented communities and works with state parties to make sure all voices are being heard by the national party. Meng lives in Queens with her husband Wayne, their two sons, and their dog, Bounce.