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BOLD PAC is the fastest growing Democratic Political Action Committee dedicated to increasing the diversity of our leadership in the House and Senate. It champions progressive Democrats fighting for change.


A group of people standing next to each other on a white background.







By Bold . 25 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 25, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Launches Ads On Mayra Flores' Lies and Harmful Policies That Will Hurt Latino Families in South Texas As Part of the “Our Lucha War Room” initiative, CHC BOLD PAC Launched a $600,000 Bilingual Ad Campaign to Expose Flores’ Dangerous Agenda Washington, D.C. - “ Our Lucha War Room” is exposing MAGA extremists like Mayra Flores, who peddle dangerous lies and deceit, shamelessly misleading our communities for their own gain. As part of a $600,000 ad buy, BOLD PAC has launched English and Spanish ads exposing Mayra Flores’ dangerous agenda and what it means for Latino families in South Texas. The ads are running on broadcast television (English and Spanish) and on YouTube. This initiative will continue to hold MAGA liars accountable for their extremist, anti-Latino agenda that seeks to undermine and devastate our communities. Mayra Flores claims to represent South Texas, but her actions tell a very different story. Time and time again, she has proven that she is out of touch with the needs and priorities of our communities. From attacking women’s rights to undermining economic security, her dangerous policies are a direct threat to Latino families. “The Our Lucha War Room is the first war room that has ever had Latinos in mind from the beginning and at its core. Our goal is to create rapid-response content that conveys accurate information to the Latino community to counter the lies that are targeted toward them. Latino families deserve to know the truth about extremist Republicans who will say anything to get their vote. Mayra Flores has made her priorities clear—siding with Donald Trump instead of standing up for the hardworking Latino families she claims to represent,” said CHC BOLD PAC Executive Director Victoria McGroary . “BOLD PAC will continue fighting to make sure that the voices of South Texas are heard and not drowned out by the lies and divisiveness of MAGA Mentirosa Mayra Flores.” THE AD “THREAT” CAN BE VIEWED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH .
By Bold . 24 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Endorses Nellie Pou in New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District Washington D.C. - As part of its commitment to expanding Latino representation in Congress, today CHC BOLD PAC is endorsing Nellie Pou in NJ-09. CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez released the following statement on this endorsement: “Nellie has been a relentless champion for working families in New Jersey,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “With so much at stake this election, getting more Democrats who will fight against Republican extremism is more important than ever. If elected, Nellie will make history as the first Latina to represent New Jersey in Congress, and BOLD PAC is proud to endorse her.” "I am deeply honored to receive the endorsement of CHC BOLD PAC," said Nellie Pou . "Growing up, my family worked hard to make ends meet, and I know firsthand the challenges our working families face. I’ve spent my career fighting for working families, to ensure access to quality health care, and to create better schools for our kids. With BOLD PAC’s support, I’m ready to take this fight to Congress, to fight for working families and stand up to Republican extremism. Together, we will build a better future for all of our communities." ABOUT NELLIE POU Born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey, Nellie Pou’s parents came to the Garden State from Puerto Rico in 1953 to start their lives and raise a family. Throughout her career in public service, Nellie has been committed to improving the lives of New Jerseyans. From fighting for better schools for our kids to more affordable health care, to criminal justice reform– Nellie has been at the forefront of some of New Jersey’s toughest fights. As a mother and grandmother, Nellie knows what New Jersey families are facing and will continue to work to create good-paying jobs and bring down costs. From housing to groceries, Nellie understands that families are being squeezed by corporate greed driving up costs, and she is ready to take that fight head-on in Congress. Nellie will also continue to stand up to defend a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions, not just here in New Jersey, but across the country. Nellie has dedicated her entire life to the community that raised her, and in Congress she will do the same.
By Bold . 24 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez Republicans’ Extreme Anti-Abortion Agenda is Endangering Women’s Lives Washington D.C. - A new ProPublica report has confirmed what we’ve already known – that Republican abortion bans are dangerous and threaten the lives of women in need of emergency healthcare. Amber Thurman fell victim to the dangerous abortion bans in her home state of Georgia. Her life was tragically cut short because the laws in her state, imposed by Republican extremists, prevented her from getting the life-saving care she needed. This is the exact nightmare we feared when Roe fell. In over 20 states, Trump’s abortion bans are stopping doctors from providing basic care. Women are being turned away from emergency rooms and suffering irreversible damage to their health and fertility. And now, women are dying. These are the deadly consequences of the Trump Abortion Bans. And here are just some of the Republicans who want to stand with him to enact even more bans across the country: Kari Lake (AZ-Sen) Rick Scott (FL Sen) David Valadao (CA-22) Don Bacon (NE-02) Yvette Herrell (NM-02) Mayra Flores (TX-34) Joe Kent (WA-03) Mike Erickson (OR-06) “Republicans are waging war on women, and we won’t stand for it. They want to strip away our freedom to make our own healthcare decisions and force families to suffer from their reckless political games,” said CHC BOLD PAC Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “BOLD PAC is calling out these extremists for what they are—dangerous hypocrites. We’re fighting back, and Latino voters deserve to know the truth about their agenda." Republicans don't care about our families. Here is the proof: Despite Donald Trump’s claims that he wants IVF to be fully covered by insurance, Senate Republicans like Rick Scott have once again shown their true colors, blocking the Right to IVF Act for the second time —the very legislation that would have ensured IVF coverage.
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