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BOLD PAC is the fastest growing Democratic Political Action Committee dedicated to increasing the diversity of our leadership in the House and Senate. It champions progressive Democrats fighting for change.


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By Bold . 13 Sep, 2024
 What They’re Saying: CHC BOLD PAC’s Latinas Lead Program Delivers a Major Investment to Boost Ruben Gallego’s Senate Campaign CHC BOLD PAC has invested over $1.1 million in ads supporting Ruben Gallego’s Senate campaign in Arizona—the biggest investment in the organization’s 23-year history In Case You Missed It: CHC BOLD PAC recently launched Latinas Lead to mobilize Latina voters in support of Democratic candidates, harnessing the power of Latina women to drive voter turnout and secure Democratic victories nationwide. CHC BOLD PAC’s Latinas Lead Program is driving a historic effort to engage and mobilize Latina voters in Arizona, investing in ads such as “Las Jefas " or "Bosses." The ad campaign is airing in both Spanish and Spanglish on platforms like Univision and YouTube. Here’s what observers are saying:
By Bold . 13 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 11, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez TRUMP’S PROJECT 2025: A DANGEROUS THREAT TO THE LATINO COMMUNITY Project 2025 is an Extremist Agenda That Puts Latino Families and Our Values at Risk Washington, D.C. - Trump's hypocrisy toward Latino families knows no bounds. As Election Day nears, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Trump’s Project 2025 isn’t just policy—it’s a dangerous extremist conservative blueprint spearheaded by senior Trump officials and conservative groups that aim to dismantle our economic security, strip away reproductive rights, and gut Social Security. Everyone Knows Why Trump is Lying Now Latino communities are recognizing the truth about Trump’s dangerous agenda: Project 2025 is nothing but a threat to their livelihoods, their families, and their future. Trump is scrambling to win over voters with empty promises, including Latino voters, hoping they’ll ignore his long record of lies and betrayals. “Donald Trump’s campaign is built on deceit, and Project 2025 is the latest in a long line of dangerous policies designed to hurt Latino communities,” said Chairwoman Linda Sánchez . “While Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge the facts, BOLD will stand against his lies and fight for the future we deserve – one where our economic security, reproductive rights, and Social Security are protected, not threatened.” The facts speak for themselves. Trump’s Project 2025 will: 1. Bring Economic Devastation: Under Project 2025 , Trump is championing policies that would tank our economy, putting Latino families at risk. His tax cuts for the wealthy would come at the expense of hardworking Latinos, increasing income inequality and pushing many into poverty. ❌ LIE: Donald Trump’s platform claims he will cut taxes for workers and eliminate taxes on tips. ✅ TRUTH: Trump and his advisers have discussed deeper cuts to both individual and corporate tax rates that would build on his failed 2017 tax handout to the wealthy. Their goal is clear: to cut corporate taxes even more, which would primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans.
By Bold . 13 Sep, 2024
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 03, 2024 Contact: Karla Rodriguez CHC BOLD PAC Launches Latinas Lead Program with Investment Supporting Ruben Gallego for Senate Launched with a $900,000+ Investment in the Latino community in Arizona, the Latinas Lead Program Aims to Engage and Mobilize Latina Voters as a Critical Component of Democratic Wins Nationwide in the November Elections Washington, D.C . - Today, CHC BOLD PAC, the campaign arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, is launching the Latinas Lead program with a $900,000 investment in ads supporting Ruben Gallego’s Senate campaign in Arizona. The effort is designed to mobilize and engage Latina women to vote for Democrats across the country in November. In doing so, the Latinas Lead effort aims to both boost turnout among Latina women and harness their strength to persuade and mobilize those around them, including Latino men, to vote for Democrats. The Latinas Lead program is being launched with a $900,000 ad buy supporting Ruben Gallego in the Arizona Senate race. The ads are targeted directly to Latinas, highlighting their crucial role as those who “power Arizona”. The ad, “Las Jefas" or “Bosses”, will appear in both Spanish and Spanglish. It will be featured on Spanish Broadcast statewide, and on digital platforms and streaming services. This buy is laser-focused on reaching Latinas in the Arizona where they are, and include ads on Univision, Telemundo, and Youtube, including airing during popular reality shows and novelas like La Isla: El Reality, El Conde: Amor y Honor, and Tierra de Esperanza. The ads have been crafted and purchased by battle-tested Latina operatives. “We are proud to launch the Latinas Lead program to ensure Latina women in Arizona know that Ruben Gallego is fighting for them and their families,” said CHC BOLD PAC Board Member Rep. Norma Torres . "Raised by a single working-class mother who fought hard so her kids could get ahead, Ruben knows how much women are the backbone of our families, our communities, and our economy. He knows the challenges working families face because he’s lived them. That’s why when he’s elected as the state's first Latino Senator, he will continue fighting for all Arizonans.” “Whether it’s in the home or in the community, Latinas are the organizers,” said CHC BOLD PAC Executive Director Victoria McGroary. “Latina women are a crucial pillar in the Democratic base. The new Latinas Lead program is an innovative effort focused on Latinas specifically as a unique entrypoint to persuade and mobilize the broader Latino community. Similar efforts should be a top priority for Democratic campaigns because anyone who knows our community will tell you - if you want to get the job done, just ask mamá , abuela , or tía to do it.” THE AD “BOSSES” OR “LAS JEFAS” CAN BE VIEWED IN SPANGLISH AND SPANISH .
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